We're here!
Our plane landed after a little turbulence in Denver. We hightailed it to our hotel room to get some sleep. I am not sure that anyone got much, even though it was a nice hotel (Courtyard Marriot.)
On Sunday we drove down to Colorado Springs and saw "Garden of the Gods". We wanted to go up Pike's Peak but when we got to the entrance it had started raining. We asked the ranger, "is it worth it to go up?" We hadn't been able to see the mountain all day because of the cloud cover. She shook her head, no, and said that it was snowing and hailing at the top and she wasn't sure that we would be able to make it up there.
We drove to our next destination which was Salida in preparation for our White Water Rafting trip. The hotel there was "ok." Clean but older.
We got up early and went on our rafting trip! The river is very low right now so the rapids were tame, but it was fun to do.
After our rafting trip we drove to Montrose and on our way we crossed the Continental Divide!
Driving was hair raising with hairpin turns and cliffs on both sides. I will add pictures later. As it is I am competing for computer time with my family who wants to download all their pictures.
We also stopped at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison before going to our hotel. AMAZING! Sheer cliffs down to the Gunnison River. Like nothing we have ever seen before. We suddenly became afraid of heights.
The kids described the landscape approaching the Rocky Mountains as, "everything is so big." The sky is big, the land stretches on forever, and mountains beyond mountains. There are cows grazing everywhere, miles from any building that we can see. They look so vulnerable.
I realize that we have such a puny understanding of how vast this land is.
We have an amazing Creator. I look forward to being awe-struck some more!
Can't wait to see the photos!